Monday, June 23, 2008

I deserve the best, and I accept the best, now.

This title is actually an affirmation in the chapter on Prosperity in a book by Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life. The chapter starts with a list of limiting beliefs on money that many people have, such as, Money is filthy and dirty (He is filthy rich); Artists have to struggle (If you do art, you won't make money); Oh, I couldn't charge that much; Save for a rainy day; Money only comes from hard work.

Reading this chapter would make you seriously reflect on your own beliefs on money. Do you deep down in your heart believe that you deserve to prosper? Do you believe that there is enough for everyone, including yourself? Do you frown when you receive your bills?

Your answers to the above questions will reflect whether you possess an abundance mindset or a pauper's mentality.

The author advises us that one way to cultivate the prosperous mindset is to acknowledge our bills as a sign of our ability to pay. She blesses her bills and thanks the companies for their trust in her ability to pay. She also urges us not to be resentful or jealous of others who have more than us.

"Begin to recognize prosperity everywhere, and rejoice in it."

Louise Hay is an amazing lady who has triumphed over her personal challenges in life. She believes that what we think creates our external circumstances. This may be a challenging idea for many people, but I believe it is a journey to one's soul that is worth taking. Why not pick up You Can Heal Your Life and begin a journey into your inner soul?

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