Thursday, July 3, 2008

Health is Wealth

A friend asked me yesterday why I am practicising yoga. I told her that yoga is an exercise which allows us to take care of our body, mind and spirit all at the same time. In our materialistic world, we tend to focus on health in a physical sense. But in yoga, health means not only physical health, but also mental and spiritual health as well. Yoga loses its essence when we take the mind and spirit out of it.

Over the years, I have tried various yoga courses and learned from different yoga teachers. The yoga instructors I enjoyed the most were those who were gentle and encouraging. They saw yoga as an exercise that helps you to stretch a little further each time you try, rather than insisting that you conform to a certain standard. However, the motivation to practice it on my own had always been lacking.

One day, someone told me that there was this yoga organization that offers yoga instruction for free. He said that these yoga courses were better than those offered anywhere else. When I learned that they were conducting a course at Yio Chu Kang Grassroot's Club in May, I immediately jumped at it. I was blown away by the experience. The instructors were humorous and kind, and the learning atmosphere was incredible. There were almost 100 people learning together.

One of my personal goals in learning yoga is to be more flexible, not just physically so that I can reach my toes when I bend, but also mentally. I believe that having a flexible mind is crucial in whatever I do, so that I can continue to learn and grow.

I am glad to say that ever since I joined the course at YCK Grassroot's Club, I have been practicing daily on my own. That's also possible because I have made some career adjustments to keep my mornings free. I would encourage everyone to join me in one of the courses in July, when they open the new 3-month courses again. Check it out here. Hope to see you there.

P.S. While the course is free, one has to pay a nominal fee, for the use of the venue.

Monday, June 23, 2008

I deserve the best, and I accept the best, now.

This title is actually an affirmation in the chapter on Prosperity in a book by Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life. The chapter starts with a list of limiting beliefs on money that many people have, such as, Money is filthy and dirty (He is filthy rich); Artists have to struggle (If you do art, you won't make money); Oh, I couldn't charge that much; Save for a rainy day; Money only comes from hard work.

Reading this chapter would make you seriously reflect on your own beliefs on money. Do you deep down in your heart believe that you deserve to prosper? Do you believe that there is enough for everyone, including yourself? Do you frown when you receive your bills?

Your answers to the above questions will reflect whether you possess an abundance mindset or a pauper's mentality.

The author advises us that one way to cultivate the prosperous mindset is to acknowledge our bills as a sign of our ability to pay. She blesses her bills and thanks the companies for their trust in her ability to pay. She also urges us not to be resentful or jealous of others who have more than us.

"Begin to recognize prosperity everywhere, and rejoice in it."

Louise Hay is an amazing lady who has triumphed over her personal challenges in life. She believes that what we think creates our external circumstances. This may be a challenging idea for many people, but I believe it is a journey to one's soul that is worth taking. Why not pick up You Can Heal Your Life and begin a journey into your inner soul?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Attracting Abundance into Your Life

Joe Vitale made his name in internet marketing with his brand of spiritual marketing. In his book, The Attractor Factor, he shares a simple 5-step process to attract abundance in one's life:
1. Know what you don’t want.
2. Focus on what you do want.
3. Clear all negative and limiting beliefs.
4. Feel what it would be like to have, do, or be what you want.
5. Let go as you act on your intuitive impulses, and allow the results to manifest.

It's important to have the right mindset when one does internet marketing, given that it's easy to lose one's focus in the immense world of internet.

At the same time, it's my greatest joy to share with everyone this good news: I made my first $38 as an Amazon associate! It represents a big leap for me in gaining a foothold in internet marketing. Now it's time to make $38 many times over.

As Stu Mittleman, the world record holder for ultra-distance running, put it, "I never ran 1000 miles. I could never have done that. I ran one mile 1000 times."

Read The Attractor Factor to find out how you can apply it in your life.

An Adundance Mindset

Have you ever wondered why two persons may be doing the same thing, one achieves success while the other does not? There are many factors involved, but one's mindset plays a determining role in each endeavor.

To be successful in everything that one does, one needs to adopt the right mindset. But what does such a mindset look like? How does one cultivate the right mindset?

To have the right mindset, you need to realize that you are wealthier than you think. Wait a minute! You might say, but I only earn a measly few thousands a month, which goes into paying for all my loans and bills, what are you talking about?

In his book, Change Your Life in 7 Days, McKenna talks about real wealth as "having an abundance of good health and true happiness. It's about having good friends or family you can share intimate and pleasurable experiences with and laugh with, people who stimulate and fascinate you. Real wealth is feeling happy most of the time. It's a sense of knowing that you are contributing something to the world and that your life is worthwhile. After all, you are unique--nobody can do things exactly the way you do them."

Of course, it does not mean that we are not concerned with money. In fact, our beliefs about money reflect whether we possess the abundance mindset. McKenna cautions against the poverty consciousness, which is essentially a belief that money is bad, and one therefore does not deserve to have it. There are many people who lose their quick fortunes easily, because they feel poor inside. In the words of McKenna, "Money is a symbol of our confidence in our products, our services, and ourselves!" If we believe that our products and services are not worth much, or worse, that we are unworthy, then we limit ourselves and act in ways to make our beliefs come true.

Fret not. McKenna offers these reassuring words: "if money is confidence, and confidence is a state, then you already have everything it takes to make all the money you could ever possibly want--you just have to choose to cultivate it!"

Read Change Your Life in 7 Days to find out how you can do it.