Friday, June 20, 2008

An Adundance Mindset

Have you ever wondered why two persons may be doing the same thing, one achieves success while the other does not? There are many factors involved, but one's mindset plays a determining role in each endeavor.

To be successful in everything that one does, one needs to adopt the right mindset. But what does such a mindset look like? How does one cultivate the right mindset?

To have the right mindset, you need to realize that you are wealthier than you think. Wait a minute! You might say, but I only earn a measly few thousands a month, which goes into paying for all my loans and bills, what are you talking about?

In his book, Change Your Life in 7 Days, McKenna talks about real wealth as "having an abundance of good health and true happiness. It's about having good friends or family you can share intimate and pleasurable experiences with and laugh with, people who stimulate and fascinate you. Real wealth is feeling happy most of the time. It's a sense of knowing that you are contributing something to the world and that your life is worthwhile. After all, you are unique--nobody can do things exactly the way you do them."

Of course, it does not mean that we are not concerned with money. In fact, our beliefs about money reflect whether we possess the abundance mindset. McKenna cautions against the poverty consciousness, which is essentially a belief that money is bad, and one therefore does not deserve to have it. There are many people who lose their quick fortunes easily, because they feel poor inside. In the words of McKenna, "Money is a symbol of our confidence in our products, our services, and ourselves!" If we believe that our products and services are not worth much, or worse, that we are unworthy, then we limit ourselves and act in ways to make our beliefs come true.

Fret not. McKenna offers these reassuring words: "if money is confidence, and confidence is a state, then you already have everything it takes to make all the money you could ever possibly want--you just have to choose to cultivate it!"

Read Change Your Life in 7 Days to find out how you can do it.

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